Today you are 9

You’ve made it! You’re half way to legal maturity. From my point of view, you are much more mature than many 18 year olds. I am honored to be your mother, and there’s no place on earth that I would rather be than with you — teaching you, laughing with you, and being encouraged by your courage and love for truth and fairness. My prayer is that I get to see you through the next 9 years. And if I get to see you with your own family, I will be extremely happy. You will be an excellent husband and father.

You are like Shadrach, who wouldn’t go with the crowd and bow down to images. You love truth, and will not chant along with untruths. You can’t stand the least sign of foolish bullying, and will speak up. You’re unafraid to ask adult or child to clean up their language. Your dad and I have worked purposefully to instill godly values in you, but you seem to have come to us already with a desire to know and practice right living. I wonder at the ways that you are way ahead of me in courage.

You are a good student. I love to watch you interacting with your other teachers. I’m sure you bring them joy when they get to spend time with a kid who loves to learn what they love to teach. You show them respect, and you’re very funny, too. Yes, you are the munny fan. You have great wit, and there’s nothing like a fella who enjoys his own jokes.

These past 9 years have been the best of my life. I can’t wait to see what lies ahead on our walk through this life together.

A wise son makes a glad father. ~ Proverbs 10:1

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