Category Archives: Home School

History and Political Games: A Glimpse into the Education of James Pelham

On 30 January 1939 — the sixth anniversary of his coming to power — Hitler told the Reichstag that in order to feed its population, Germany would need Lebensraum — living space. He then called Czechoslovakia to reduce the size … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Empathy and the Education of James Pelham

What is it I want to say about Empathy? So many things are running through my mind that I want to share with you, but mostly it is that I want you to understand that that is the end-goal of … Continue reading

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Why we school the Charlotte Mason way

As we begin our new school year and I also make attempts to get back into blogging about our life and learning, I thought I would post about some things that we love about the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and why … Continue reading

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Art and Music and a little Danke Schoen

We are away from home and on a 3 week break from lessons. So from my remote area in the Cayman Islands (joking!) I’ll do a write up about our Art and Music studies. The artist whose works we’re getting … Continue reading

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Vasco, Pizarro, Leonardo, Marco, Martin and John

I best get on with this 6 week review now that we’ve finished our 8th week of school. I’ll begin with our journeys through British, American and World History. This is our third year reading Our Island Story by H.E. … Continue reading

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Math Wars

Before I continue with the beautiful and glowing reports of our History, Geography, Literature readings and Art and Music studies as promised in the last post, I’m going to share the hardest battle we’ve have this school term. (Funny that … Continue reading

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I’m back and a Six Week Report

I thought I would get back in the saddle here by posting a report about our first six weeks of “third grade.” We’ve done lots of reading and learning. Our new thing this year was adding Science, while continuing Nature … Continue reading

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Pardon me, I believe I was in your way again

Today I read this words of Charlotte Mason from the Introduction to Vol. 6: A child requires knowledge as much as he requires food. He is furnished with the desire for Knowledge, i.e., Curiosity; with the power to apprehend Knowledge, … Continue reading

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Connecting with “weeds”

I wanted to be a part of the Nature Connections May edition, so I dug up these videos James made when we were doing a study of dandelions earlier in the month. He was to make pictures at different times … Continue reading

Posted in Home School, Nature | 2 Comments

Snow Day

Posted in Home School, Nature | 2 Comments