Category Archives: Music

Music, Tenacity and Life

James was having difficulty with a piece of music and told me that it was his least favorite and that he didn’t like it at all. To his chagrin, I assigned it for a third straight week. I told him … Continue reading

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Chopin and Mister Rogers

Frederick Chopin is our composer for this term. We have been enjoying this video of Andre Watts playing the Revolutionary Etude. Funny to think about a children’s program having a classical artist play an entire piece like this. It probably … Continue reading

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James loves to play piano

James finished Level 1B of the Alfred Premier Piano Course on Friday and was promoted to Level 2A as you can see from the certificate below signed by his most excellent teacher. I’m posting this here mostly for his families … Continue reading

Posted in Music | 12 Comments

Lost in Promotion or For the sake of the Institution

While watching the local PBS station’s showcasing of high school choirs from across the state, I observed that the performances these kids were giving were ultimately being used to promote the schools.  Whatever may have been the motives of the … Continue reading

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Ready to Fly Away?

James and I practice Hymn Study as suggested by Ambleside Online which is modeled on the ideas of Charlotte Mason.  We learn the song and sing it once a week for a month (more if we like).  As I said … Continue reading

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