Tag Archives: honesty

Art for Art’s Sake

I was just about to write about “For the Love of the Art or the Love of the Utility?” (stay tuned for that), when I see the following Facebook post from my husband with an accompanying video. I’m going to … Continue reading

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2023 Word of the Year: FRIEND

This makes me mightily nervous, but there it is. It is an idea I’ve had on my heart for years and years, and after pondering for the last few days about a word for the year, and going back and … Continue reading

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On “Education is an Atmosphere”

I’ve been taking a Saturday morning class with Karen Glass on In Vital Harmony, a book about Charlotte Mason and her 20 Principles, and which Karen authored. I really need to blog through each chapter of In Vital Harmony, but … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Talent on a Sunday Drive

This morning my husband, son, and I drove about 30 minutes to eat breakfast at one of our favorite little cafes. The interior is very log-cabiny, and more than the food (breakfast is my favorite meal to eat out), it … Continue reading

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Charlotte Mason: Way Beyond Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips

There is the Courage of our opinions. By opinions I do not mean the loosely taken up catchwords of the moment, those things which ‘everybody says,’ and with which it is rather agreeable than otherwise to startle our less advanced … Continue reading

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Stay in your lane (Part 2)

I’m going to do some more barely scratching the surface as I attempt to give a glimpse of pre-Modern ideas of the cosmos, particularly the Heavens (or as we moderns call it, Space), and how that gave them a sense … Continue reading

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On the Occasion of Two Decades of For Better, For Worse, For Richer, For Poorer

Twenty years ago today we stood on that stage at a little church in Tennessee, with our families and friends as witnesses, and made those pledges above. I remember that I also vowed to support all of his efforts to … Continue reading

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Appearances Can Be Deceiving; or First, Second, Third, even Fourth Impressions

In Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, Book IV, Canto V, there is a contest of knights’ ladies to determine ‘the fairest of them all’. The prize is a girdle which was made by Vulcan for his wife Venus, which he … Continue reading

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On the 16th Anniversary of our Daughter’s Birth: Grace meet Wendi, Wendi meet Grace

This post is sort of what I planned for this day of remembering Virginia Grace Pelham (February 3, 2006 ~ February 24, 2006), but with the death yesterday, February 1, of my friend Wendi Capehart, who was already a part … Continue reading

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Dear Politicians (of “both” parties)

Guest Post by Jack Pelham Dear Politicians (of “both” parties)— Imagine that your rhetoric were all going on the record, and that you’d be held completely accountable for it someday by someone with complete authority to put you where you … Continue reading

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