Tag Archives: nobility

History and Political Games: A Glimpse into the Education of James Pelham

On 30 January 1939 — the sixth anniversary of his coming to power — Hitler told the Reichstag that in order to feed its population, Germany would need Lebensraum — living space. He then called Czechoslovakia to reduce the size … Continue reading

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The hypocrisy of glorifying what you won’t imitate

My little status update from Facebook this morning: I think that most folks who honor and glory in the founders of this nation and their actions, would rather just do that, and not imitate those actions. We love those stories … Continue reading

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The nobility of the ready and pro-active learner

Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Paul and Silas had had to skedaddle out … Continue reading

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