Tag Archives: socialism

What do we keep on fighting for?

James and I listened to the music of Frederic Chopin this term. We also spent these 12 weeks reading Opal Wheeler’s Frederic Chopin, Son of Poland. Through this book and reading a few other articles, we learned that Chopin loved … Continue reading

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Inflated kings and peasants

James and I have read several stories this year (such as The Door in the Wall, Otto of the Silver Hand, The Little Duke, Castle Diary: The Journal of  Tobias Burgess, Joan of Arc) involving feudal times and the idea … Continue reading

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The mandating of loving your neighbor

I wrote these thoughts as a “Note” at Facebook nearly two years ago. I was thinking about it again today and thought I would share it here. Let me know what you think. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ When people express their distaste for … Continue reading

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