Tag Archives: truth

For this is right

In a letter to the believers in the city of Ephesus, the apostle Paul instructs the children to obey their parents, “for this is right.” To do something because it is the right thing to do is what we teach … Continue reading

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A poem of true things

What are heavy? sea-sand and sorrow: What are brief? to-day and to-morrow: What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth: What are deep? the ocean and truth. ~untitled poem by Christina Rossetti

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What a boy can handle

Yesterday evening we were in the van on our way to the library and then some supper and I pondered aloud “I wonder if there ever was a king that understood that he served the people; a king that acted … Continue reading

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Initial Musings on Sir Thomas More’s Utopia

I am currently working my way through Sir Thomas More’s Utopia. I’m a third of the way through and I don’t know what the author’s conclusion will be.  Is he fer or agin it? Does he believe this ideal society … Continue reading

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New thoughts on Consistency while reading Emerson’s “Self-Reliance”

I hesitate to write anything until I’m done with the 12 pages in my printed out copy of “Self-Reliance,” but I decided to say this much about Consistency and how I relate to what (I think) he’s saying.  Here’s a … Continue reading

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Ready to Fly Away?

James and I practice Hymn Study as suggested by Ambleside Online which is modeled on the ideas of Charlotte Mason.  We learn the song and sing it once a week for a month (more if we like).  As I said … Continue reading

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