Here James narrates the story from Our Island Story. The Henrys I and II should be Edward I and II. The Scottish king that he never names is Robert the Bruce who you might remember from Braveheart.
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Read Jack’s Novel!
Thank you for sharing this. Your son is absolutely adorable. What an awesome narration! He made me smile many times while watching, please thank him for me.
Thank you, Esther. I just read the message to James. He was a bit self-conscious after watching some of his videos and started to lose interest in doing them. He says his voice sounds funny. My husband explained to him how our voices sound different to us than to other people. Several family members have passed on encouraging thoughts after watching this video and it has helped him to overcome. He also was a bit embarrassed by his mistakes of saying Henry instead of Edward. He’s a bit like his mom. Afraid to not be perfect π
Please tell him that he did very, very well. He seems quite mature and very thoughtful. I would listen to his narrations anytime, it was enjoyable to hear! How old is your son? Right now I have an 8 year old and a 6 year old narrating to me. I told them that I would let them see the video tomorrow, I’m hoping they’ll be inspired by your son’s wonderful work. He used lots of good vocabulary and descriptions. Bravo, James!!
James is a few months away from 8. I suppose he is mature. He is our only child and spend lots of time in conversation with us. People have commented about his vocabulary since he was a wee one. We just have never talked baby talk to him. He’s a great kid with a great sense of humor. Thanks for watching the video and I hope your kids enjoy it and are motivated to do great narrations. I’m working on that myself. This blog is sort of a training in written narration for me. Sure wish I had had the training my son is getting. I thank God for second chances. So blessed to be a mother and teacher.
I found this through the AO year 1 link. Thank you for posting it! Your son is wonderfully informative and entertaining. My kids are 13, 11, 10 & 6 and we will all plan to watch this today. He is inspiring. I love the way I can almost see his little brain making the stories his own. It’s as if we get a glimpse into his mind. Wonderful!
It looks like you’re doing a great job! I could tell he has a sense of humor, he made me laugh! I am going to try videotaping my childrens’ narrations every now and then. In many ways, your son actually reminds me of mine who is going to be 7 in June. We are so blessed to have this job!!
Thank you, Kristin. The more you do narration, the more you see how beneficial it is. Being able to assimilate all those thoughts swimming around in our head and get them in an orderly and intelligible way isn’t very easy — especially when there’s millions of them in there. Narration sometimes is an outlet to keep us from bursting, I think. I’ve felt frustrated most of my life with not being able to express myself orally or in written form. Nice to be in this training with James.
I followed a link to here from your post on the Arete Classical yahoo group. I am so glad I wandered around on your blog and found your son doing this narration. And he’s not quite 8?!?! I am very impressed. I wish my boys were younger and I could film them doing their narrations. I never thought to do that. What a treasure you have. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you, Becki. And thank you for wandering around the blog. Itβs nice to have visitors roaming inside our minds π James is a treasure and getting to spend this time with him and learning so much myself is something I will never take for granted.
Iβm still plugging away at Utopia. Glad it brought you here.
So stinkin CUTE! I love how he was so excited about no one being in the room to do his narration! He does not sound funny at all! I will have to show this to my son and daughter, they might want to start doing video narrations! π Thanks for posting!
Pingback: The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival: Narration, Volume 1 | Planting Little Seeds
What a gift to record your son’s narrations. Some children just LOVE to perform. My youngest climbs on the table to do narrations, while my middle schooler climbs under the table to avoid public speaking!
Oh, I love this! He is wonderful with his narration and I think the camera is a brilliant idea! In fact, I am going to see if my Sydni will enjoy narration better with a video camera.
Thank you James for a very entertaining and informative narration, and for the inspiration for our own homeschool! π
What a marvelous idea to use the video camera. I will definitely be trying this one.
James, you did a fantastic job.
Thanks for sharing these, he always does such a wonderful job and puts a smile on my face.
This one is a favorite of mine. I’m not sure he will ever top it. But we’ll keep trying π
It was James’ idea to record some narrations. It hadn’t occurred to me. Smart boy. Glad I’ve got him π
One reason it worked so well is that he felt like he had an audience to tell the story to that didn’t know the story. It’s sometimes awkward to tell back the story to Mom who just read it to you.
This narration was a lot of fun. It was a good action filled story and there was plenty to do commentary on. Not all stories work out so well. James is quite entertaining when he is just being himself and doesn’t feel self-conscious. James uses the video option on his little Nikon. No need for a huge video camera these days π
Nadene, Just put the video camera under the table π (And then post it. I want to see it!)
What a personality! Such a good story for a boy to narrate! I think I’ll do this with some of my kids.
Penney, It was a great story for narration. Another might not have worked out so well. A lot of action plus things for commentary — “his very.big.axe!” “You just won the battle. Why are you crying over your axe?” π