Tag Archives: sentimentality

The hypocrisy of glorifying what you won’t imitate

My little status update from Facebook this morning: I think that most folks who honor and glory in the founders of this nation and their actions, would rather just do that, and not imitate those actions. We love those stories … Continue reading

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A new thought

For many years I would wander by the baby department and think how cute and soft everything looked and wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a baby to dress and wrap in all that cute and soft stuff. Then we … Continue reading

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We were in the garage, stuffed with boxes in one corner, and James tossed something to me like a frisbee. I saw a Chinet plate laying upside down on the floor. “What is that?” I asked. “Oh, something you painted … Continue reading

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Ready to Fly Away?

James and I practice Hymn Study as suggested by Ambleside Online which is modeled on the ideas of Charlotte Mason.  We learn the song and sing it once a week for a month (more if we like).  As I said … Continue reading

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