Plans for fall 2023 classes

I am currently working on course descriptions, scheduling days and times, and lesson planning for my Story, Rhyme & Song classes that will be held at my studio in Laurel. The information about the classes will be found under the ‘What I Offer’ tab above.

My decision for providing these classes is motivated by my desire to make sure that children experience the building blocks of story (Bible stories, myths, fairy tales, fables, and legends), as well as the songs and poems that connect them with their own heritage and cultures from around the world. I do not wish to replace the rightful role of the mother (or father) in all of this, but rather I hope to inspire and give direction to parents to make story, rhyme, and song a regular part of their family culture.

In order to facilitate both the teaching of the children and training of the parents, I am revising the structure of my Story, Rhyme & Song class to include any parents that would like to join us. And I would hope that most would.

No day of the week has been chosen at this point, but you can expect them to be morning classes since my afternoons are filled with teaching piano.

The children should have the joy of living in far lands, in other persons, in other times––a delightful double existence; and this joy they will find, for the most part, in their story books. ~Charlotte Mason

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