Tag Archives: Charlotte Mason

Thoughts on Empathy and the Education of James Pelham

What is it I want to say about Empathy? So many things are running through my mind that I want to share with you, but mostly it is that I want you to understand that that is the end-goal of … Continue reading

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Towards a Philosophy of Remembering

I wrote here about the value of remembering and my own failure to have as much written on my heart as I think I should. My friend Cindy is a big proponent of Remembering. In her “Morning Time for Moms” … Continue reading

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Thanks for the Memories

I’m actually not very good with remembering things. I was listening to a podcast with Karen Glass, author of Know and Tell: The Art of Narration, and she mentioned that Charlotte Mason made a distinction between Memorization and Memory. Yep, … Continue reading

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To Be or not To Be

I am currently reading A Circle of Quiet, the first of Madeleine L’Engle’s Crosswicks Journals. She uses and discusses the word ‘ontology’ a lot in these writings, and it’s really making me a little crazy because, although I’ve looked up the definition … Continue reading

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Why we school the Charlotte Mason way

As we begin our new school year and I also make attempts to get back into blogging about our life and learning, I thought I would post about some things that we love about the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and why … Continue reading

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Teaching and Knowing History

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal historian David McCullough discusses the historical illiteracy of students (who, of course, grow up to be us big people), even from the most esteemed institutions. He speaks of a young woman who … Continue reading

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Pardon me, I believe I was in your way again

Today I read this words of Charlotte Mason from the Introduction to Vol. 6: A child requires knowledge as much as he requires food. He is furnished with the desire for Knowledge, i.e., Curiosity; with the power to apprehend Knowledge, … Continue reading

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Teach them to obey

One of the very best life lessons I’ve ever learned occurred when James was just becoming a toddler. We were at my mother’s farm when James took off running across the yard.  Being concerned for his safety, I instinctively ran … Continue reading

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Handwriting skills not a dying art

Last fall the Wall Street Journal published an article titled “How Handwriting Boosts the Brain.”  The author addresses the fact that in spite of our ever advancing technological world, the ancient skill of handwriting still has real value. For the … Continue reading

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Narration of Edward II…Story of King Robert the Bruce and Bohun

Here James narrates the story from Our Island Story. The Henrys I and II should be Edward I and II. The Scottish king that he never names is Robert the Bruce who you might remember from Braveheart.

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