Take a hike, James!

Scenes from a recent hike James took with his Dad.

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A moment with Edna

For the sake of having another blog post for this month,  I’ll post this story that I shared with my Facebook world today. (I’m so lame at this blogging thing. My excuse this time is that in this month we have taken a cross-country trip that required 3 weeks of our lives and we moved to a new and very wonderful home upon our return. Still settling in. Hopefully, I’ll have great shots to share from our “new” camera that the very thoughtful Sandy Pelham passed on to us.)


One of my favorite stories about my Mom (PG-13 warning!)

From time to time in my younger years my mother would come up with some very witty remarks. This is definitely my favorite. I hope I can set the scene well and do the moment justice. First of all, you must understand that my mother (now age 79) was full-time housewifing and mothering (5 children) when it was becoming quite uncool to be so. Most women of her generation were entering the outside-the-home workforce. We were at a shower (baby or wedding, I can’t remember) at the Moline, IL Church of Christ building. At some point in the evening the discussion turned into a lot of stories about their jobs at offices and local factories. Mom kept silent as they all discussed a life that she didn’t share.  As the conversations were reaching a lull, Mom speaks up and says, “Well, I think I have the best job of all.” There must have been several women at the shower who were not members of that church and did not know my mother or what her job was. Several leaned forward and with sincere curiosity inquired about her job. So Mom begins to tell them different aspects of her job (you know the things wives and mothers like to list that they do) and these women were so awed by this amazing and exciting and diverse job that Mom had. She really had them in the palm of her hand. And then she says, “And do you know what the best part of my job is?” They just couldn’t imagine. She responds, “I get to sleep with the Boss every night.” Uh-huh. You should have seen the look on some of their faces. It took a few moments for some of them to get it 🙂

I hold that story close to my heart and know that I too have the best job in the world — with all its perks and benefits.

The Boss and Mom still in harmony after 60 years

Mom (right) and I (middle) circa the time of the event

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Art and Music and a little Danke Schoen

We are away from home and on a 3 week break from lessons. So from my remote area in the Cayman Islands (joking!) I’ll do a write up about our Art and Music studies.

The artist whose works we’re getting to know this term is Jean Honore Fragonard. Here’s the most recent painting we’ve studied. If I had painted it, it might be called a self-portrait. I’m sorry that I have no videos to show James doing picture narration, but you may look at these from last term to see the kinds of things he looks for in paintings. We began using Artistic Pursuits for art application. We’ve learned that artists compose from their imagination as well as realistically from what they see before them. They compose from photographs and other graphics as well as the real scene or person before them. We have used water color crayons and oil pastels to make our own pictures from our imagination and have done some landscapes and portraits. I’d post a sampling of our artwork, but alas, they are not with me. (Remember, we’re on break and that includes the break of not having to lug the school room across the U.S.)

Our folk music selection this term is a song from Scotland called Aiken Drum. This song was totally new to me (and I have yet to figure out a piano accompaniment that works), so we sing along with this video or good ol’ a capella. I think James’ favorite part is when King Jamie is mentioned. We’ve also spent time with two hymns — “More Love to Thee” and “He Leadeth Me.” I try to find arrangements on YouTube for James to hear, but he mostly likes for us just to sing our hymns. He finds most arrangements very melancholy and sad and doesn’t think the message of the songs match that. James really enjoys singing and his mother (without prejudice, of course) thinks he has a very nice voice and understands pitch very well. We were hoping that he could sing with our city boy choir this fall, but alas, the director moved across country and the group has yet to replace him. Perhaps this spring that opportunity or another will arise. We continue our piano lessons and have entered the world of eighth notes. It’s challenging for James and the challenge seems to have sucked a little of his zeal for practicing. He’s not telling people that piano is his favorite part of school like he used to. But I know once he gets the feel of the rhythm in his head and hands and body, he’ll be back on track.

The wild and wacky and unbelievably talented Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is our composer for this term. Along with listening to 4 specific pieces at this point, we enjoy the podcasts at Classics for Kids. James loves those 3 question quizzes after the 6 minute podcast. We read the always entertaining Mike Venezia’s bio of Mozart. We also enjoyed reading the Mozart story from The Magic Tree House series. From what I’ve read and heard over the years (especially while in college studying music) the portrayal of the boy Mozart was quite accurate in this book. Just add a little more sassiness and sarcasm. Mozart was good and he knew it and didn’t hold back from mocking the less good.

In a previous post I reviewed our official Literature readings. We’ve also enjoyed the “free reading” selections of Farmer Boy and King of the Wind. Let me tell you, if you haven’t already moved on from the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and water creatures to mammal reproduction, it will probably come up while reading King of the Wind. It’s not graphic at all; it’s simply that the main horse in the story is the sire for several generations of great race horses and that is mentioned from time to time in the story. After James asked, “What does it matter who the father is?” I figured it was time for that lesson. It’s quite beautiful how it all makes sense to him based on what he already knows about the aforementioned created things. And yes, a few days later, the question arose as to human reproduction. So glad that he’s learning from his parents, rather than movies and the jokes that the 6th graders told across the lunch table from me when I was a 2nd grader.

Farmer Boy is Laura Ingalls Wilder’s telling of about a year in the life of her husband at around age 10 on a farm in New York. I imagine Almanzo telling these stories as an old man to Laura (and Rose, their daughter, who most likely helped in the writing of the books). James is a lot like Almanzo. He loves that kind of work and is glad to get out of schoolwork in order to help with outside work. One job Almanzo had when the family was spring cleaning was to beat the dust out of the rugs as they hung on a line outside. James thought that was awesome and said he’d love that job. We shall see.

On his own, James has enjoyed reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret and four of the Tintin graphic novels. He’s also reading A Dog’s Life, a gift from his Grammy. I asked him what the dog’s name was when he was first reading the book and he looked at the cover and said, “Ann M. Martin.” Look at the cover yourself and you’ll see that he must be correct and that our Latin and Greek roots studies are going well 🙂

Last year we switched our foreign language study from French to German and James has done really well. I made this choice mostly because Jack’s German is far better than my French. James seems to have picked up the German better and enjoys the sound and accent of these words more than French. “Merci” never became a habit with him, but “Danke” seems to roll off his tongue at the appropriate time throughout the day. Now I wish I could find a great German CD to match the French CD that we’ve enjoyed for about 5 years now.

Beyond the things on our schedule, there is always learning going on around this house. With a dad who loves gadgets and mechanics and electricity, etc., James is not lacking for excitement in that area. And there is always talks about life and right and wrong and why do people do the things they do. James is a blessed boy to have a very hands-on Dad. And I am very blessed as well.

And that will end my 6 week review. Until next time, au revoir, auf wiedersehn.

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Vasco, Pizarro, Leonardo, Marco, Martin and John

I best get on with this 6 week review now that we’ve finished our 8th week of school. I’ll begin with our journeys through British, American and World History. This is our third year reading Our Island Story by H.E. Marshall.  (Yay, Kara Shallenberg!) At the end of our 2nd year, Henry Tudor had finally put an end to that nasty ol’ War of the Roses. In these 6 weeks we’ve read about the antics of jolly ol’ Henry VIII “Defender of the Faith.” Wonder what the Pope thought about giving Henry that title after Henry skedaddled out from under the Pope’s control so that he could be rid of Katherine and get Anne of a 1000 days? We read about the poor boy King Edward and the very, very sad fate of innocent Lady Jane Grey. Currently in our story Mary is being bloody and Elizabeth is Continue reading

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Math Wars

Before I continue with the beautiful and glowing reports of our History, Geography, Literature readings and Art and Music studies as promised in the last post, I’m going to share the hardest battle we’ve have this school term. (Funny that one might call it the “fall term” and autumn just began today.) Math, math, math. Multiplication facts! Argh!

When James was around 2 or 3 he was recognizing shapes and their names and did great with patterns and sequences. I thought I had a math genius on my hands and that he had inherited Uncle Mike’s gift. We started the 1st level of formal math when he was 5. Math-U-See is the curriculum we use and their Alpha book might be considered 1st grade level.  James did pretty well with this. We enjoy the DVDs and letting Mr. Demme teach us each new lesson and concept. We worked slowly through the book and finished it in a year and a half. This put James at 6 months ahead of his “grade level.” I was cool with that. The walls we hit at that time were Continue reading

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I’m back and a Six Week Report

I thought I would get back in the saddle here by posting a report about our first six weeks of “third grade.” We’ve done lots of reading and learning. Our new thing this year was adding Science, while continuing Nature Study that we’ve been doing since the beginning of time. We chose Physics and are working through the lessons from Noeo Science Physics I. Many in my circle of educational philosophy would say it was too soon for formal Science, but I decided James was ready for it. There is no textbook for this curriculum, but a series of books and bios to read and experiments to do. James loves the experiment part, of course. We have learned about forces, gravity, friction, laws of motion, resistance, light, shadows, colors, the spectrum. I did not know that the primary colors of light were red, yellow and GREEN. Did you? Didn’t know there were any other primaries but the ones they taught us in school. And when it comes to paint, you don’t have yellow, blue, and red. You have yellow, cyan and magenta. Cool, eh?

We have continued to learn cursive using the Getty-Dubay Italics method. And we have begun to do our Copywork (copying beautiful sentences and passages from our readings) in cursive. We are ever so gently working our way through Spelling Wisdom from Simply Charlotte Mason and doing no more than one lesson a week from Simply Grammar. We’re just trying to get a handle on those two parts of a sentence and those 8 or 9 (depending on who you’re talking to) parts of speech. The most excitement I see from James when it comes to our “language arts” studies is with English from the Roots Up. He gets a kick out of remembering the pronunciation and meanings and then remembering English words from those roots and making up his own words. Do you know what “telephobia” is? Don’t bother googling it because they got it wrong. James’ definition is better.

Now that I’ve confessed to my Ambleside friends that I’ve gone beyond and started formal science, grammar, and spelling/dictation before the proper time, let me share what we have read from the suggestions at Ambleside Online. For Literature we are reading four William Blake poems a week and memorizing “Spring.”  Blake has not been our favorite poet. We are thoroughly enjoying The Princess and the Goblin. As with most stories of this type, James likes to figure out what is going to happen next. My favorite line so far is from Chapter 15 where the great-great-great…grandmother (who is “older than you are able to think”) tells Princess Irene, “it is so silly of people to fancy that old age means crookedness and witheredness and feebleness and sticks and spectacles and rheumatism and forgetfulness! It is so silly! Old age has nothing whatever to do with all that. The right old age means strength and beauty and mirth and courage and clear eyes and strong painless limbs.” Isn’t that great? That’s the kind of old lady I want to be. Strength…mirth…courage…clear eyes. James says his favorite character from the book is Curdie. “Do you know any boy as brave as that? And he wants to work extra hours to buy his mom a red petticoat! What boy would do that?” (I didn’t even remember the red petticoat deal until James mentioned it. It must have made an impression on him — a boy working longer just to buy something for his mom.)

We have also read the stories of Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill from American Tall Tales. I probably don’t need to tell you that those tales are quite entertaining to an 8 year old boy and not too hard for him to do his narration of them. We have followed the life and times of Perseus in The Heroes and we’re anxious to find out if the prophecy given to Perseus’ grandfather comes to pass. We continue to read Parables from Nature which we began two years ago. In this 6 week period we learned that you ought to purr when you’re pleased and that one should not just look only at the bad on earth, but see the good too. James tells me that he doesn’t want to just see the good because he doesn’t want to forget the bad because he wants to change the bad. We have continued on the journey with Christian and now his friend Faithful in Pilgrim’s Progress. We made it halfway through last year and will hopefully see Christian into the Celestial City by next spring. James likes the way that characters and places are called by exactly what they are. He gets very excited every week when it’s Pilg Prog day and is disappointed when the reading is over because they are so short. We are reading from the original version and James has had no problem following the old language. We read “The Merchant of Venice” from Tales from Shakespeare. This is the 13th play of Shakespeare that we have read about since beginning two years ago. We love reading these stories and by now, of course, many of the plots are becoming predictable. Women disguised as men, shipwrecks and bodies washed up on shore, and romantic entanglements and twists and mistaken identities. Our method of keeping all the people and plottings untwisted is to draw stick figures and maps and draw arrows to who goes to who and where. We’ve also enjoyed watching BBC’s Animated Shakespeare of any of the plays that we have read.

I’ll finish there for this post. I’ll continue in the next with our History and Geography readings, as well as our art and music studies. It’s been a good year so far and I for one am looking forward to all that I have to learn in Third Grade.

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Still here

We’ve been traveling and traveling. We are home now. And that is a good thing. At some point I’ll post some pics and commentary of places that we’ve visited on our journeys. Right now I’m settling back into home life and planning and ordering materials for our next school year. Here’s a few pics of sunsets back at the home that I love, as well as the sweetest boy in the world that I love even more.

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Going underground

We visited this cave which included an underground lake earlier this month. As soon as we entered, James kept saying, “This is cool. This is so cool.” (and he didn’t mean the temp which was about 57 degrees) We learned a few interesting things along the way, one of which was that Confederate soldiers had mined the cave for saltpeter to make gunpowder. “Indian” artifacts had been found in there. I took one picture thinking it was genuine writing on the wall from centuries ago, only to find out it was graffiti from the 1990’s 🙂 It would be nice to go on such a tour and be able to ask tons of questions. I knew it wasn’t going to be the kind of tour our family likes when the guide says after the first stop where he had explained some feature, “Any questions? No? Good. This is the kind of tour group I like.” Later he referred to “commercial tours” and I wondered if there was such a thing as a non-commercial tour that we could join. Our guide was full of jokes and one-liners and it occurred to me that most people (at least those in this group of 50 or so) were really interested in saying ooh and awe and being entertained.

Here is my Caveboy

[To follow here will be pictures I took on the tour of the caverns and on our boatride on the lake. Captions to be provided by the head of our Science Dept. at Pelham House.]

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Movies and the real world

We watched The Patriot tonight. Certainly an intense and bloody movie that mom had to turn her head away from a time or two. Very sad. In one scene Gabriel, the oldest son of Benjamin Martin (the Mel Gibson character), steps into a church to ask for men to sign up to fight. The preacher is offended the minute the young man has entered and lets him know this is a house of God. Through the influence of a very pretty young lady who is sweet on Gabriel, the congregation eventually comes around and men begin to stand and say they will join. The music builds as each man stands. I decide to say at that moment, “You know, James, in the real world when you decide to take a stand for something there is no majestic music playing in the background.” There is no music to inspire and embolden. You often stand alone and in silence.

The last scene in the movie is at the Martins home place where the beginnings of reconstruction of their house (burned by the Redcoats early in the film) has been begun by their friends. All seems right with the world. The war has been won and freedom reigns. But that wasn’t the end for our family. Jack said, “That’s the problem with movies. They make like everything is wonderful in the end. No thought of the two sons that were killed. The son’s wife and her family burned with the whole village in the church. All the other family and friends that had been killed. All this killing because of King George. And why was there a King George? Because people had been putting up with his tyranny for years and the tyranny of the one before him. And he has all these possession that his dad stole from the people before him and…” Then James takes off from there with all that he has learned from our studies of history. The point being that we have wars and homes are destroyed and families slaughtered because people will put up with tyrants. And so the senselessness continues today.

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This song makes me happy. “Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear. Just sing…Sing a song.”

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