James gives the scoop on a couple of Caravaggio works

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12 Responses to James gives the scoop on a couple of Caravaggio works

  1. Megan says:

    That was adorable! You’ve convinced me – it’s time for art history!

  2. Kay Pelham says:

    Some artists make more of an impression than others. I think James takes away good things from everyone who we’ve “studied.” We spent time with Da Vinci a few years ago and, of course, he comes up from time to time. The other day James was trying to remember his name and he says, “You know, the guy who made the lady that people like to draw a mustache on.” Yep, my boy is real high brow.

  3. I truly loved seeing his videos for Caravaggio. He has such a great way of expressing his thoughts for this artist that maybe some may have been hesitant to study. Just think of what a great art critic he will be as he grows in his art appreciation and picture study. I am so glad that you submitted this to the CM Blog Carnival!

  4. Kay Pelham says:

    Wow, Barb! You’re quick! Thanks for watching and commenting. Writing wears me out, but I did think about these videos when I saw what the carnival theme was. Some artists James takes to more than others and he has plenty to say about the ones that he likes. He did comment about how all Caravaggio pieces were Bible stories and I explained to him that Caravaggio did a lot more, but we were just looking at these 6. I read a Caravaggio bio and living La Vida Bible was not Caravaggio! But he did do some very good work when commissioned to do so.

  5. Lanaya says:

    I love it! My kids are studying Caravaggio right now. They enjoyed James’ narration. We noticed the hand position of Jesus also.

  6. Lynn says:

    I have had Caravaggio on “our list” but seem to keep pushing him out and replacing him with others. These videos have convinced me that we will tackle Caravaggio next. Wonderful videos and insight!! Thanks so much.

  7. Kay Pelham says:

    Glad your kids enjoyed the narration. James was having a big time recording narrations for a while. There’s one for a British History reading on the blog. And I guess you could call the piano one a narration too.

    If you notice Jesus’ hand pointing, then look at Matthew’s hand position. Instead of pointing back like Adam’s does in Michelangelo’s painting, Matthew is pointing at himself like, “Who, me?”

  8. Kay Pelham says:

    I read a bio to get some insight to share with James. Details of Caravaggio’s life isn’t something that my son is ready to handle yet, but I did share some things with him to give him the idea of the struggles of this man. You can also talk about styles like chiaroscuro, which is where James got the idea to point out the contrasts in The Flight to Egypt. James’ first reaction to the pictures was how dark they were, but then he began to see the light that was there and appreciate that. Sometimes the darkness makes us really appreciate the light, right?

  9. Bethany says:

    James is too cute.

    I had never thought of video taping the kiddos narrating paintings. Great idea!

  10. Kay Pelham says:

    I think the narrating on video was James’ idea. His Granddad refers to them as James’ lectures. My little professor 🙂

  11. Nikki says:

    Please tell James I appreciate his videos very much, and I plan on letting my son watch them. I have a hard time getting him to participate as fully as his sisters in picture studies. I think once he sees and hears another boy doing it, it will be a great encouragement to him! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Kay Pelham says:

    James says: “I’m glad I could hopefully help with your child liking this. It was a bit fun, even though it’s not my favorite thing to do. But it is fun.”

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