Oh the places he will go!

James has lately taken to reading in bed before he shuts his eyes and calls it a day. One morning I found a book beside my computer with a note on top that read “Done.” This morning I was greeted by this book and note on the bench next to my desk. It just warms my little ol’ heart to see him reading on his own and loving a well-told story. I miss being involved in all the stories that he knows, but oh the places he will go in his life with all the good books out there to be read.

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3 Responses to Oh the places he will go!

  1. mrl says:

    I miss reading to Anna. It’s hard to know how many books we read together. There is just something special about curling up in bed and reading to your child.

  2. Janet says:

    I love this post – my boys love to read in bed! I am so glad you ‘followed’ me on my blog. I will be over here reading yours as well. Raising boys – we need to stick together!


  3. Kay Pelham says:

    Thanks for visiting, Janet. I can only speak for having one boy here. Bless you for having four! That has got to be an exciting life. We look forward to getting to know you and yours.


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