James loves to play piano

James finished Level 1B of the Alfred Premier Piano Course on Friday and was promoted to Level 2A as you can see from the certificate below signed by his most excellent teacher. I’m posting this here mostly for his families far away to be able to see. James will tell you that Piano is his favorite part of school. I have no problem with that. Having a Master’s in teaching Piano, it makes me right proud that he’s enjoying it. It’s not a picture perfect performance, but I love his reactions and fixes. One move brought back memories of a recital my Freshman year where I forgot where I was in my Chopin Etude, palmed myself in the forehead, and then moved on and completed the piece. James isn’t quite so violent with himself.

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12 Responses to James loves to play piano

  1. Even though I’m not family, what a wonderful thing to hear your son play. Bravo!

  2. Megan says:

    My kids all say, “hurray, James!” Beautiful performance, it’s wonderful to have a preview of 1B.

  3. Kay Pelham says:

    Thank you! You’re becoming like family the more you stick around here 🙂

  4. Kay Pelham says:

    I see your kids can follow the song’s direction 🙂 Yay for them.

    James says, “I enjoy playing piano, so I’m glad you could get a preview of 1B too. I hope your kids like to play piano. It’s really fun.”

  5. Aunt Brenda says:

    Great recital James. Nice singing too! Miss you.

  6. Dorla says:

    Oh James! Congratulations!
    You sing so well and you are adorable at the piano!
    Keep up the good work with your fine teacher!!!!!
    Dorla (Kay, thanks for visiting my blog)

  7. Kay Pelham says:

    James says, “Thank you.”

  8. Kay Pelham says:

    James says, “Thanks.”

    His mom is really pleased that he sings along with the playing. Best I can remember, I’ve never been able to get a student to do that. He does love music. He goes around humming his piano pieces and the Hymns and Folksongs and Composer studies that we’re doing. Music is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

  9. James’s musical talent is great! Keep up the good work James.

  10. Kay Pelham says:

    James says, “Thanks. I love doing music!”

  11. Hi Kay, my children and I watched James’s video explaining his Shakespeare play. He did a fabulous job. I think we will do a character sheet like that. Thanks for sharing with us.

  12. Kay Pelham says:

    You’re welcome, Traci. I did most of the drawing last year, but James has taken it upon himself to do it this year. We use blue pencil for boys and pink pencil for girls, of course 🙂 If the places they travel are significant, we draw something to symbolize that place and make the appropriate arrows for who goes there. Italy is always fun with its highly recognizable boot shape. I’m no artist, so stick figures and boot shaped countries are just fine with me.

    I think that in the early years, it is mostly about becoming familiar with the characters and plot of these stories. Later when we read the actual plays, the deeper meanings will come out. But even in the not so deep tellings of Lamb, the messages of the plays are pretty clear. It’s hard to not learn lessons from even the simplest tellings of the tragedies of Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet and King Lear.

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