Category Archives: My Personal History

Charlotte Mason: Way Beyond Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips

There is the Courage of our opinions. By opinions I do not mean the loosely taken up catchwords of the moment, those things which ‘everybody says,’ and with which it is rather agreeable than otherwise to startle our less advanced … Continue reading

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And he writes of us

On this our 20th wedding anniversary my poet writes of our journey. And if you’re curious about the day of the daisy, here is where I wrote about that. What else would you like to know?

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On the Occasion of Two Decades of For Better, For Worse, For Richer, For Poorer

Twenty years ago today we stood on that stage at a little church in Tennessee, with our families and friends as witnesses, and made those pledges above. I remember that I also vowed to support all of his efforts to … Continue reading

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Appearances Can Be Deceiving; or First, Second, Third, even Fourth Impressions

In Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, Book IV, Canto V, there is a contest of knights’ ladies to determine ‘the fairest of them all’. The prize is a girdle which was made by Vulcan for his wife Venus, which he … Continue reading

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On the 16th Anniversary of our Daughter’s Birth: Grace meet Wendi, Wendi meet Grace

This post is sort of what I planned for this day of remembering Virginia Grace Pelham (February 3, 2006 ~ February 24, 2006), but with the death yesterday, February 1, of my friend Wendi Capehart, who was already a part … Continue reading

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Retirement and Goals for my new life

May 14 is my last day as a homeschool teacher. I have been directing my son’s education from birth. We began his official school education when I registered him with an “umbrella school” in Tennessee as K4 in 2007. I … Continue reading

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Goodreads Review: The Death of Ivan Ilych

The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy My rating: 5 of 5 stars So much to say about this little book about dying. It’s also about living. Tolstoy takes us through the different stages of Ivan Ilych’s life, the … Continue reading

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He Keeps Me Singing

I was a sad girl when I met Jack Pelham in November of 1998. My younger brother (and best friend) had died from cancer in July, and my grief was unbearable at times. Three months after my brother’s death, I … Continue reading

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Parents Aren’t Supposed to Bury Their Children

We buried our daughter on this day 15 years ago, the day after she had breathed her last in my mother’s arms. The funeral home hosted a visitation for family and friends, and then we all drove to the cemetery … Continue reading

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The Case of the Awesome Sister

Some time after I had started piano lessons at age 7, my mother asked my sister Karen, five years my senior, if she wanted to take lessons. Karen responded, “Why would a lawyer need to know how to play piano?” … Continue reading

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