Category Archives: On the Lighter Side

A moment with Edna

For the sake of having another blog post for this month,  I’ll post this story that I shared with my Facebook world today. (I’m so lame at this blogging thing. My excuse this time is that in this month we … Continue reading

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He rises up to call me blessed?

James and I are reading John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress over a period of two years as suggested by the lovely advisers at Ambleside Online. In our reading this week, Christian (the pilgrim who is progressing) has met another progressing pilgrim … Continue reading

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Kids do say the darndest things

Earlier today when the neighborhood kids were still in school, James asked if they wanted to play at his house (meaning yard), would that be okay. I told him it would be fine, but they probably should not go in … Continue reading

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Communicating or The Order of Brethren against the propagation of the legend of the Lost Colony

One morning late last year Jack was sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast and I was sitting on the couch in the living room doing who knows what. I hear him say these words, “How many people who … Continue reading

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