Category Archives: Parenting

Why we school the Charlotte Mason way

As we begin our new school year and I also make attempts to get back into blogging about our life and learning, I thought I would post about some things that we love about the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and why … Continue reading

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Today you are 9

You’ve made it! You’re half way to legal maturity. From my point of view, you are much more mature than many 18 year olds. I am honored to be your mother, and there’s no place on earth that I would … Continue reading

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A new thought

For many years I would wander by the baby department and think how cute and soft everything looked and wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a baby to dress and wrap in all that cute and soft stuff. Then we … Continue reading

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We have finished our school year and have been away from home. Just wanted anyone who pops in here to know I haven’t given up the ship. I’m thinking of a wrap-up post of our school year. And I’ve still … Continue reading

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The company he keeps

Copying this from the comments in the previous post. Just an example of the sweet surprises I get from time to time. Last night we went to see the “African Cats” movie. It followed a year in the life of … Continue reading

Posted in Nature, Parenting | Tagged | 1 Comment

Teach them to obey

One of the very best life lessons I’ve ever learned occurred when James was just becoming a toddler. We were at my mother’s farm when James took off running across the yard.  Being concerned for his safety, I instinctively ran … Continue reading

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And a little child shall lead them

I have found myself regularly recalling and admiring one episode from James’ earlier life that it seemed time to write it into the record. James was 4 years old and we were at a large family holiday gathering. After an … Continue reading

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What a boy can handle

Yesterday evening we were in the van on our way to the library and then some supper and I pondered aloud “I wonder if there ever was a king that understood that he served the people; a king that acted … Continue reading

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Reprove a wise man

There’s something you have no idea about. You have no idea how much I love you and Dad both. Just something my son said to me the other night while he and I were chilling in front of the TV. … Continue reading

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Father and Son

I do have some things on my mind to write about, but for today I’m going to copy my last post from the old blog. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Yesterday’s math lesson turned into an extended life talk with Dad.  Mom went to … Continue reading

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