Tag Archives: children are born persons

He Went to My School!

I want to tell you a homeschool success story about a perfectly normal student who was born ready to learn, and turned into an amazing young man—under the tutelage of an imperfect and inexperienced homeschool teacher. (That’s me.) When my … Continue reading

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On “Education is an Atmosphere”

I’ve been taking a Saturday morning class with Karen Glass on In Vital Harmony, a book about Charlotte Mason and her 20 Principles, and which Karen authored. I really need to blog through each chapter of In Vital Harmony, but … Continue reading

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Charlotte Mason: Way Beyond Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips

There is the Courage of our opinions. By opinions I do not mean the loosely taken up catchwords of the moment, those things which ‘everybody says,’ and with which it is rather agreeable than otherwise to startle our less advanced … Continue reading

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On the 16th Anniversary of our Daughter’s Birth: Grace meet Wendi, Wendi meet Grace

This post is sort of what I planned for this day of remembering Virginia Grace Pelham (February 3, 2006 ~ February 24, 2006), but with the death yesterday, February 1, of my friend Wendi Capehart, who was already a part … Continue reading

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